When Democracy Fails

Something terrible has happened. Women in this country have just become second class citizens. The Supreme Court just declared that guns have more rights than women and children do. Women will die because of the decision made by the Supreme Court. Before I continue, there is something that I need to state: I hate abortion. At the same time though, this is a private, personal choice that isn't up to me or any preacher or politician to make for that matter. I have my belief system, but, it would be wrong to force my beliefs upon others.


Any religion has a right to exist in this country. I will uphold the rights of others when it comes to exercising there right to worship, regardless of whatever that religion is. It doesn't matter if that person if Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, or Muslim. And that includes the rights of those who choose not to worship at all. As long as that group in particular doesn't advocate hate or death, they have a right to worship need be. In a democracy, in order for the rights of individual to be upheld, the rights of others need to be defended as well. In order for a Democracy to function, the rights of others have to be upheld as much as the rights of the individual. One can't expect a Christian to demand red-carpet treatment, while being dismissive of the rights of others. We all deserve that carpet. It's not all about them. Does that Christian really expect others to uphold his/her right if they don't do so for others in return? Does that Christian expect the masses to rally around them without taking the rights of others into consideration? We are all in the same boat at the end of the day.

However, a line is drawn when any particular group start to enforce there beliefs on my. One can't assume a "screw them" attitude when it comes to others while demanding there own rights to be upheld equally. Democracy fails when that happens. I’m against politicized religion period, regardless of whether it comes from Radical Islam or Christianity. I have my beliefs, but they are personal to me. It's not in my place to force my views upon others, or anyone else for that matter. But this is exactly what happened.

For those who hate abortion, if you don’t like it, then don’t get one. But don’t force your views down upon everybody else. Have you thought that maybe not everyone shares your opinion. It’s not your choice to determine who gets one or not, only those who encounter the decision. Also, for those who support the ban, do you think that abortions are magically going away now simply because it’s outlawed now. A whole can of worms have just been opened up because of selfish politicians exploiting a personal issue for there own quest of power and glory, careless about the real-world consequences of there actions.

The Serpent Known As Politicized Christianity

The Christian Right, along with Televangelist, are serpents who misused Christianity for there own purpose. Christianity was never intended on being a political movement. But yet, the church in this country used Christianity as a tool to manipulate people so that it could achieve its goal of power and wealth. Politicized Christianity never had the spiritual well-being of people as a priority. It was always about power and privilege at the expense of others. They never cared about the newborn either. They were just a means to an end. If they were truly about spirituality, they would still welcome women as equals and display God's love to them, regardless of whatever decision was made. What would they have to gain from such sincerity though? For those looking for power and privilege, it was easier to demonize there opponents as "abortion lovers" and misuse both the abortion topic and Christianity for there own nefarious purpose.

The Republican Party

Those serpents never cared about the unborn either. They simply exploited them for there own political purpose. If the Republican Party truly cared about the unborn, then they would have made sex education a priority, along with the easy access of contraceptives. However, this was never going to happen as the Republican Party had nothing to gain from those actions. The party wanted total control, not choices. The Democrats had nothing to gain either because at the end of the day, the abortion topic is a private, personal issue, and not a political issue. It was turned into such because those looking for power turned it into a wedge issue to take advantage of people’s overcharged emotions.

It’s ironic that the party that screams “small government” at the top of it lungs wants to micromanage what people do in there bedrooms. How is dictating people's personal lifestyle choices "small government"? I understand that they’re are people who don’t agree with the LGBTQ lifestyle. However, you don’t deny someone there civic rights because you don’t like there lifestyle. How does one strangers’ personal choice impacts you as a person at the end of the day? It doesn’t. If you don’t like homosexuality, then don’t become homosexual. If your against gay sex, then don’t have gay sex then. We proclaim and elevate ourselves about freedom, but we contradict ourselves when we get behind bans like this. How do we say when we love freedom when we restrict it simultaneously. Do we become any different from dictatorships like Russia when we embrace bans like this? Applying arbitrary labels to ourselves won't change the hypocrisy. 

If the Republican Party was truly about life, then they would have the general health and well-being of the country’s population a priority when the Covid outbreak occurred. They would have pushed those health mandates to protect people's well-being. When the health regulations went into effect, it wasn't because the politicians were being a bunch of meanies. It was because there is a killer virus killing people by the score. As of June 2022, it still is. It seems that the party that screams "LIFE" at the top of there own lungs would so such disregard for people's well-being during the outbreak. Talk about misplaced priorities. A person sick with Covid can directly jeopardize my health, but some random stranger deciding privately to get an abortion doesn’t affect my well-being.

Here in Texas, Summers are extremely oppressive. The electrical grid's operation needs to be top priority. Without it, people die from heatstroke. Many have over several years. Yet, has the electrical grid been top priority for the party that proclaims "Life" at the top of its lungs.

One becomes a hypocrite when they say that they support human life of the unborn, but are indifferent to those in parts of the world who had there homes carpet-bombed. One is a hypocrite when they say that they uphold life to the highest magnitude, but yet when a baby with medical issues is born, they go around telling that parent that they are on there own financially. For a party that rails against “radicals”, it seems to be consumed by radicals themselves. Ironic.

The Failure Of Democracy

If the Republican Party truly is about life, then they would do something about gun violence and not use drones to blow up women and children in the Middle East. They’re is blood on there hands. Granted, there is blood on the hands of Democrats in this regard as well. They didn’t push hard enough for gun regulation and where generally dismissive of those women and children in the Middle East as well. They are massive hypocrites in there own way. Both were too interested in there own pursuits and self interest without giving a crap about the unborn. They were much more interested catering to special interest groups, corporations, and billion dollar donors then they were about what was best for both women and the unborn. If both were about life, then they would have made universal health care accessible for all who need it. One side just wants to make health care accessible for those with money, while the other side introduced that broken system called Obamacare which was designed to benefit the insurance companies. Man, that is a complete joke.

The Democrat Party massively failed. They just assumed that nothing was never going to happen, thus taking women's rights for granted. Biden just assumed that nothing was going to happen. At this point though, there isn’t any nice things to say about the Biden Administration. Actually, as long as this blog existed, they're haven't ever been nice things said about the Biden Administration. It's inept and incompetent. It’s unable to act because it doesn’t have the will too. Maybe they think that things will just magically resolve itself. Their inability to fight for women's rights displays how inept the Administration is. It’s a massive train-wreck. 

Yet, the sad realization is knowing that even before his term started. What makes things even more depressing is knowing that things wouldn't have been any better if Trump won (and I don't have time for nonsense conspiracy theories in regard to voter fraud). The fact was that as voters, we were screwed regardless of who won the election. There isn't hope when one is presented with a Washington Insider and a Fake Populist. Democracy failed when we were given the worst choices from the respective parties. Those aren’t true choices. I know that those who consume party politics like a drug will disagree, but this is the case.


In the 2020 election, it wasn't about who you voted for, it was about who you voted against. In an ideal world, one should be able to support a candidate because they feel strongly about them. But again, when where given sub-par choices, it's not about who you vote for, it becomes who you vote against. Biden won not because people weren't voting for him, but because they were voting against Trump. Trump was a train-wreck of a President. Yet, Biden failed to capitalize on that though, and now, that Fake Populist is likely to win again because of Biden's sheer incompetence.

What happened is something that is not to be celebrated. Also, there are many Christians who disagree with the decision made as well. I understand that they’re are a lot of people angry and upset about this. I hear you. But don’t vandalize Virgin Mary statues. She did nothing to you. You’re only playing into the prejudices as established by pieces of crap like Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz. We don’t need to make there imaginary enemies real. Also, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett did lie under oath. There has to be consequences for there actions. Lastly, Clarence Thomas, the Covid vaccine does not contain baby fetus or were tested with them. 5 minutes of actual research would confirm this. Check up on this before sharing such absurd nonsense. 

Did the Supreme Court not think that there would be real-world consequences for there actions? Did they though that things would just go on like business as usual. Now, innocent people are paying because of there quest for power and control.

I'll post the links later. If not, you can just reference previous articles about the abortion topic.


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