Some More Thoughts Of Greg Abbott

Sometimes, one wonders whether being a Texan is more of a curse than a blessing. This is the impression one gets when living in a state run by Greg Abbott. Yes, it's going to be another one of those articles. However, I did take extra effort to try to tone down my sentiment. Anywho, it's often said that a person's true colors shows when their is deep adversity. A person will even swim or sink depending on a situation.

As such, I really didn't have an opinion of Abbott pre-virus. Sure, he said a few stupid and obnoxious things before the outbreak. However, all politicians do that, so that's not anything out of the ordinary. The only thing I knew about him was that he was the governor and that was about it.

After witnessing his responses to both the outbreak and the 2021 freeze, I have an opinion on him now, and its not very positive at all. Calling him an monster would be an understatement. A part of me questions whether he was the worst governor our state has ever had. The only reason why I refrain from embracing this claim is because I'm not in the mood to research 176 years of Texas history as a state just to find someone worse than him.

One could find many reasons why not to vote for him. In fact, as of April 12th of 2021, I could think of 49,389 reasons not to vote for Greg Abbott. I know what the general response from about about that remark would be: "Robert, it was the virus who killed those people and not Greg Abbott!". It's sad when I already know the perceived responses to the article will be even before its published.

In states where public health was a priority, I feel that it would be wrong to blame the governor for the deaths of those who died from Covid. The sad, unfortunate thing is that people were going to die from the virus regardless. However, this could have been mitigated greatly. However, when one lives in a state where public health wasn't a priority, I find it plausible to place the deaths of those who died from Covid on the governor. Things didn't have to be this bad.

Greg Abbott had a hand in the deaths of those who died from Covid in this state. One can blame China all they want (and the Chinese government is responsible as well), however, the responsibility of how a state responds to the outbreak rest with the governor. One can't just wash away the responsibility Pontus Pilate-style and then hope for the best. The virus is going to infect people, regardless of the governors presence. The virus isn't going to show religious or political preferences. The virus isn't going to discriminate. Anyone, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, and national affiliation are at risk. The virus isn't going to go away simply because the governor doesn't want to be held accountable for whatever happens.

Greg Abbott never wanted the responsibility to deal with the virus. Responsibilities that he was obligated to accept since he is well.......governor of Texas after all. He passed it off to the county leaders instead. Luckily, I live in an country where the leadership took the virus very seriously. For many, Abbott's inaction was a blessing in disguise as many were willing to pick up the responsibilities that he didn't want. However, those county leaders still needed help from the state, and their would be none. They were on their own. We were on our own.

Greg Abbott wanted to keep the state open, regardless of the risk. He wanted that sweet sales tax money at any cost. It was never about people's health. It was about the money. It was always about the money. The only reason why he did the stay-at-home order was because of pressure from both sides. Yet, he tried to rescind that order almost as quickly as he signed it. He also confused many when he refused to call it a "stay-at-home" order even though that's what it was, like he was ashamed of the term. His feelings were unfounded as many governors around the country, both Democrat and Republican alike, didn't mince their words about what the order was called.

When the restrictions were lifted the first time, crap immediately hit the fan. Deaths soared. This was where Dan Patrick told people to needlessly die for their economy. The Covid response here in Texas has been nothing but a horrific trainwreck. Greg Abbott had the nerve to make the claim that record numbers of people recovered from the virus. This claim is only true because record numbers of people caught the virus!

Many were vigilant about wearing the mask. Many made sacrifices to protect their fellow Texans from this horrible virus. Yet, when Abbott lifted the restrictions the first time, that valiant effort was for nothing. For those who upheld the public health of others, their efforts was a complete waste because of Abbott's reckless action

The 2021 Texas Freeze
The 2021 Freeze only added insult to injury. After a intense freeze occurred in 2011, recommendations were made for power companies here in Texas to winterize their equipment. Another massive freeze was going to take place. It was only a matter of when, not if. With the electrical grid version of the Wild West in full swing, this wasn't going to happen unless the governor mandated it. This wasn't going to be the case though. In 2018, some parts of Texas was affected by yet another massive freeze. ERCOT made more recommendations on the energy companies to winterize their equipment to no avail. Then the big one hit on February 2021. All 254 counties in Texas were in a freeze warning. Energy demand skyrocketed, but their would be no energy as oil wells and windmills froze. The electric grid failed. No power meant no gas pumps, as they operate on electricity. Nuclear power plants didn't have enough electricity to operate. The entire grid collapsed. 111 people died as a result.

Greg Abbott could have mandated the electric companies to winterize their equipment before the big one hit. However, he refused. What did Greg Abbott do when things blew up in his face (which is a common theme in his governorship)? The first thing he did was blame "Green Energy". Many saw through his rubbish as wind-power only accounted for 23% of energy generation here in Texas. Also, windmills operate in Antarctica. They could have been winterized to if he mandated it. Looking for a distraction from the electrical disaster, he lifted the mask mandate so that he would get those political brownie points. This also massively backfired. Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't proceed to blame the freeze on video games, comic books, pinball machines, or rock music.

Immigration is a massive issue. However, the rates are still a massive far-cry compared to the early 2000's and even early 2010's. As a result, one could still argue that the Covid outbreak is still the much bigger issue. On one hand, their has been massive disappointment with Biden's handling of the immigration crisis so far. At the same time, Trump wasn't any better either in that regard either. However, Greg Abbott is using the issue as a distraction so others quickly forget his perpetual follies. Unfortunately, many seem to have fallen for his shenanigans when it comes to using immigration as a distraction. For Greg Abbott, it is as simple as red-baiting a few people here and their and BOOM! The job is done. The unfortunate thing is that many will still vote vote for him regardless of his constant blunders simply because these voters will vote the way their party tells them to vote, and nothing more. 

I haven't forgotten about these failures though. I also know that many others haven't forgotten either. How can one forget about his tomfoolery as I'm checking the local news and discovering that ERCOT is again asking people to conserve power because of higher energy demand as a result of a stalled cold front over North Texas. Something that is a result of Abbott not mandating the energy companies to winterize their equipment. Also, 83 new cases of Covid have been reported here in Cameron County. One can quickly understand why I've criticized Greg Abbott more on this blog more than both Trump and Biden combined. How can one not though. Their is a lot of blood on his hands. The deaths of those who died from the Freeze are on his hands as well. Regardless of your political affiliation, he has failed you and this state.

I think the biggest reason why I have such a negative opinion of Greg Abbott is because he never accepted responsibility for his actions. Abbott never accepted the blame for both his handling of the outbreak and that of the freeze. Abbott never admitted that he was wrong about his responses. He simply looked for scapegoats and hijacked other issues seeking that distraction while refusing to admit fault and accept accountability for his actions. Abbott has painted himself as an unfortunate victim who is "under assault" at the hands of "them". Many have brought into his pity party. However, Greg Abbott is not a victim.

If Matthew McConaughey does run for the governorship in 2022, I will probably vote for him(second reference on this blog). However, his movie career would be irrelevant here (even though I do like a lot of the movies that he's in). I would vote for him simply because he doesn't have the words "Greg Abbott" in his name.

*I haven't focused on Greg Abbott's political affiliation because its irrelevant here. When it comes to the Covid response, both Republican and Democrat governors did smart things, and both Republican and Democrat governors have done very stupid things as well. Greg Abbott's political affiliation is meaningless here.

Articles Of Interest (Covid)
Cameron County reports 83 new cases of COVID-19 (KRGV) -

Houston Chronicle : Coronavirus won’t trigger disaster exemptions for property taxes, Texas AG Ken Paxton says -

The Hill : Texas House Dems ask governor to issue stay-at-home order -

Office Of The Texas Governor | Greg Abbott - Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Implementing Essential Services And Activities Protocols -

The Texas Tribune : Gov. Greg Abbott isn't calling it a stay-at-home order. But he's telling Texans to stay at home. -

The Texas Tribune : Coronavirus in Texas: Hard-line conservatives want stay-at-home order relaxed; Paxton issues opinion on temporary tax exemption -

The Dallas Morning News : Fore! Some Texas golfers may play through coronavirus crisis, says Attorney General Ken Paxton -

NBC News : Dan Patrick on coronavirus: 'More important things than living'

The Texas Tribune: Dan Patrick says “there are more important things than living and that’s saving this country”

Daily Beast : Texas Governor Admits Dangers of Reopening State on Private Call With Lawmakers

KVIA.COM : Texas governor admits reopening state will lead to increased infections in leaked audio -

Quorum Report : In leaked audio, Gov. Abbott talks about the way the spread of COVID-19 will increase as Texas reopens -

Wikipedia : 2022 Texas gubernatorial election -

Articles Of Interest (2021 Freeze)

2021 Texas power crisis (Wikipedia) -

Report on Outages and Curtailments During the Southwest Cold Weather Event of February 1-5, 2011 ( Prepared by the Staffs of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation - PDF) -

A Guide to the 2011 Texas Blackouts (StateImpact - A reporting project of NPR member stations) -

The Rolling Chain of Events Behind Texas Blackouts (The Texas Tribune) -

Austin Energy Faces Questions Over Blackouts ( Experience Austin Texas) ('s Wayback Machine) -

Texas leaders failed to heed warnings that left the state's power grid vulnerable to winter extremes, experts say (The Texas Tribune) -

WEATHER: Hard freeze warning issued for Bastrop County (Statesman) -

ERCOT requesting energy conservation, may enter emergency conditions -

Should We Blame Wind Turbines for Texas' Power Outages? (The Science Times) :

What Went Wrong With Texas’s Main Electric Grid and Could It Have Been Prevented? (Texas Monthly) :

Electric Reliability Council of Texas (Wikipedia) :

Articles Of Interest (Immigration)

Illegal Immigration Statistics ( -

Visa Overstays Outnumber Illegal Border Crossings, Trend Expected to Continue (NBC News) -

Beyond DAPA and DACA: Revisiting Legislative Reform in Light of Long-Term Trends in Unauthorized Immigration to the United States (Journal on Migration and Human Security - PDF) -

Is illegal immigration the lowest in 17 years, as Trump said? (PolitiFact) -

How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes? (PolitiFact) -

The Truth About Undocumented Immigrants and Taxes (The Atlantic) -


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