Why Was This Allowed To Get As Big As It Did?

One of the reasons why I focus on Greg Abbott so much on my blog is because the policies that he supports directly affects me as a person living here in Texas. One of the reasons why I focus on politics so much is because political policies on a national level directly affects me as a person. One of the reasons why I focus so much on Covid is because when people don't get the vaccine, that directly affects my health.

I haven't focused on Will Smith because what he does as a person doesn't affect my well being. Food prices are not going to be affected by his actions. The supply of electronic goods are not going to be affected by his actions. Geopolitics is not going to be affected by his outburst. The actions of a rich, pompous actor is not going to have an impact on my well-being and existence as a person.

Should he face repercussions for what he did? Yes. Should he face responsibility for his actions? Oh course. I wouldn't have it any other way. At the same time, I can confidently claim that their are far more important things going on in the world right now that deserves far more attention that what happened at the Oscars that night. Given his status and the fact that this event couldn't be ignored given that it happened on TV in front of millions, I understand that this event couldn't be ignored. (I didn't initially see it though because I'm not one for awards shows in general. Very pompous affairs indeed) With that said, that is the only reason why this event has received the attention that it did. This is actually one of the few times that I'm not reading more into an event than what has actually happened at face-value (unintentional pun). A random act of uncontrolled outburst from a overblown and hyped-up actor (even if it happened on TV) is the least of my problems and that of everybody else as well. For the melodramatic and bombastic commentators screaming "What has become of things! WOE IS ME" at the top of their lungs as if they thought that it was Will Smith smacking them in the face; there are issues that deserve far more attention. 

In a world consumed already consumed by general violence, hate crimes, income inequality, climate-change, and now a war launched by a megalomaniac dictator against a democracy that now has a rapidly growing number of cases of crimes against humanity; a rich, grandiose actor making an ass of himself is very low on my radar (even if the event itself was broadcasted into the homes of millions). I think that the events happening in Bucha and Maripol deserve far more attention than what that moron Will Smith diserves. I guess many just have an obsession for celebrity-bait. What happened at the Oscars isn't as big of a deal that many make it out to be. It's only getting the attention that it is because of the media that it occured on and the actor behind it. "Pompous actor making a joke out of himself. Nothing to see here people".

Also, is it just me or are just awards shows in general a waste of time! (I will update the article with links later)


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