It Wrong To Reward Failure.

Sometimes, I watch some of the videos that Independent Apple Repair Technician/YouTuber/Repair Rights Advocate Louis Rossman post on his channel. He's a champion of the idea of right to repair. Louis has made many really awesome videos about Apple product repair while giving great insight into such topics as well. Like many on the Internet (me included), he usually delve into politics. There are some things I disagree with on when it comes to politics. At the same time, I respect his opinion, even if I disagree, because Louis has a unique perspective given where he lives. New York is a state that is largely run by Democrats. As such, he constantly witnesses the hypocrisy of the Democrat leadership managing that state. If I lived in New York, I probably would form similar opinions about that state's leadership as well.  

Here in Texas though, in a state run by Republicans, I'm in constant witness to the hypocrisy of the Republican leadership. At the end of the day though, they are really just two sides of the same coin. Both are defined by there contradictions. Both are defined by there moral and ethical shortcomings. Yet, because this state is run by Republicans, there going to be responsible for whatever happens in this state, for better or for worse (mostly for the worse). While their were occasional references to Mike Cuomo in past articles; the vast majority of this content is going to be geared towards Greg Abbott and the events here in Texas. I live here in Texas, not New York or anywhere else. Party politics in California and New York don't effect Texas. Thus, I'm not going to do an article about the California recall because that events doesn't have an effect here in Texas. However, what happens here in Texas does affect me directly. 

Greg Abbott is a colossal train-wreck of a governor. Over 55,000 people have died from Covid because of his mishandling of the outbreak. Also, over 100 died during the February freeze because of how he (mis)handled the power-grid situation. There is blood on his hands. Why should the Republican Party be rewarded for mishandling this state? When the Democrat leadership in California mishandled the power-grid in that state in the early 2000's, people rightfully held them responsible for what happened. It's no different when Republicans make the same mistakes. And since they have been running the state government for the past 25-30 years, their is no one else to blame. All the scapegoating and red-baiting in the world isn't going to save them. 

It wrong to reward failure. Yet, Greg Abbott will probably win the election again because millions are blind to there party preferences. Invoking blind support is one of the most reckless things that one can do. Party preferences become doctrine (or dogma) for those who worship their political views and treat it as religion itself. Political parties become infallible and immaculate entities incapable of doing wrong, even though they are run by mere mortals. Thus, people aren't going to demand better from there party and just accept whatever mediocre candidates comes there way. They will embrace fake populist who don't actually represent there interest. Those who are blind to their preferences fail to see the shortcomings and failures of their respective party. Yet, in an environment where both parties are defined by their fault, that won't stop many from elevating politics as this one-sided, us-vs-them battleground. Party politics reaches the point of parody when one treats it as this grand and epic battle between good and evil. Absurdity which knows no bounds. This is the reason why there are so many problems today. Many feel that they have to support there party, regardless of whatever actions they do. To them, "They aren't like the other side", "You must support your team!", and "You must accept the lesser of the two evils!" This is reckless and absurd. Tribal politics becomes that uncontrolled narcotic for those who consume it. 

This is the environment that Greg Abbott thrives in. Greg Abbott knows that he can be reckless with his handling of the outbreak and power-grid situation because people will blindly support him, regardless of his actions. Another 200,000-300,000 deaths in this state could die from Covid and that wouldn't deter anyone who only see red elephants prancing in the room and nothing more. Those who don't live in this state have no idea of how much of a monster he is. Yet, because party preference has been reduced to a label, it doesn't matter anyway for many. This is the same attitude for those who instantly state "he's a Christian". When one excuses reckless behavior from a party or individual simply because some label has been attached, then that is when both politics and religion become a empty platitude for those using such labels to hide behind.

Greg Abbott refused to sign state health measures until things were really out of hand. Even then he was reluctant about and and tried to rescind those orders almost as quickly as he signed them. He only signed the emergency deceleration until their was intense pressure from both parties for him to respond. Even when he did sign those health measures, he didn't mandate a suspense of taxes that would have been greatly beneficial to those who operated small businesses. Those business were still expected to pay their bills in full, despite them having no business. Relief was (and still is) hard to come by. Many of these businesses failed because of Greg Abbott's mishandling in the financial scope.

He removed the health mandates as quickly as he signed them. It was very obvious what was going to happen when such mandates were removed. Texas (and here in South Texas in particular) became the next hotspot after New York. Greg Abbott only reissued those orders after intense pressure. It was too late though. Eventually, over 55,000 people here in Texas would die from the virus.

When things got real bad, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick told people to die for the economy. For someone who claims to be pro-life, its seems very selfish and contradictory to expect individuals to die so that the state can preserve its revenue stream at the cost of people's lives.

Failure To Take Responsibility

Yes, I know that people were going to die from the outbreak, regardless of whatever actions were taken. However, 55,000 people did not have to die in this state. When that many die, that isn't an unfortunate incident; that's willful negligence. 

The reason why I have such a strong disdain for Greg Abbott is that he hadn't accept fault or taken responsibility for his mishandling of the outbreak. He hasn't accept the blame or apologized for how he dealt with the virus. 

If anything, what Greg Abbott has done is looking for scapegoats. Greg Abbott looked for various scapegoats and hijacked other political issues (immigration) to distract residents of his horrible mishandling of the outbreak.

Yes, I know the outbreak started in China. Yes, the Chinese government are responsible for the general suffering brought on by the virus. They are responsible because they couldn't contain the virus when they could have and then tried to cover up their failure. However, once the virus got here, it became the responsibility of state and federal officials here to handle the virus. As such, while one can blame China all they want, that won't wash the blood off of the hands of those who mishandled the outbreak, Greg Abbott included. 


Their are no kind words for Greg Abbott here. He failed like Mike Cuomo in New York. He's not a victim of unfortunate circumstances. Leaders need to be called out when they fail to protect those who they are representing. Blind support and adoration is one of the most reckless things that one can partake in. Their failures shouldn't be excused or overlooked because of their political or religious affiliation. They become empty labels for them to hide behind when they screw up.

When the outbreak started, I expected stupid shenanigans with Trump. I was not even surprised when Trump recommended people to fight the virus by injecting bleach into their bloodstream! However, while I knew that Trump was largely going to be ineffective and say stupid things, I expected much better from Abbott. As a established politician and governor, he is suppose to know better than Trump! Yet, Abbott stooped to Trump's level of absurdity, and as a result, actually turned out to be much worse than him, believe it or not.

Even though my blog has been critical of both Democrats and Republicans, many will still label me a liberal because I don't kiss the ground that Greg Abbott walks or worship a flawed political party as an immaculate deity while flogging myself in Trump's name. Maybe many have completely unrealistic expectations about party commitment. This is also despite me being very happy that Cuomo is gone. At the same time, how many of those rooting for his resignation actually did so because of his misconduct and not simply because of party affiliation and nothing moreBlind worship is the most reckless thing that one can do, regardless of party. Misconduct and corruption knows no political party.

While the Democrat Party is consumed by absurd contradictions, everything that can be said about Democrats can also be said about Republicans as well. The Clintons, Obama, Biden, Cuomo, and Nancy Pelosi are all slaves of the establishment, as is Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Rick DeSantis, Greg Abbott, and Trump. There all one in the same. Trump is a fake populist who fooled millions with his rhetoric while still being part of that corrupt machine. While I'm very political, and as such, this blog is as well; there is no tribal politics here. Greg Abbott's political affiliation doesn't mean nothing to me. If he was a Democrat and did the exact same thing, I would still be criticizing him for exactly the same reasons. 

I vote by candidate, not by party. By keeping both Democrats and Republicans on there toes, it forces them to work together. I once voted blindly in the past. It was the worst thing I ever done. NEVER AGAIN! The Republican Party never cared about the sanctity of human life. They only said they do because they wanted my vote and nothing more. One can't say they love life while promoting policies that constantly inflict pain and suffering on others. Like how many Democrat legislators say they love the environment while taking donations from oil companies constantly wrecking it. No one is a saint (regardless of what many think). I moved beyond the petty rubbish that is tribal politics. You can to!

At the end of the day, regardless of whether your a Republican or a Democrat, Greg Abbott failed you! He failed this state! He shouldn't be rewarded for his failures. While many will consume Abbott's distractions though, I won't. While many others will overlook Abbott's failures, I won't. 


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