My Two Cents on ...... Afghanistan

When one looks at the details, one realizes that the war has been mishandled since the beginning. While a powerful Afghan army was made, nothing was done to build the infrastructure to support it. According to many reports, several units haven't been paid in months, and were now being called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice for a horrifically incompetent and corrupt government. The corruption of the Afghan government knew no bounds. Things were never going to get better because our leaders didn't demand better from that government. 

The Afghan war was horribly mishandled by both Democrats and Republicans alike over 20 years. I know that those who see their political preferences as unquestioned doctrine don't want to read that, but politicians on both sides failed because they didn't demand better from the Afghan government. Bush made serious blunders, along with Obama. As quick as I am to criticize Trump for anything, by the time he inherited the war, he was in a no-win situation. This is also true with Biden. The Afghan government had been on life support for many years, and someone had to pull the plug. 

HOWEVER, one area where Biden DOES deserve massive amounts of criticism is with the handling of the evacuation. He should have done much more for the Afghans who wanted out much quicker. Many of them risked their lives and reputations over the 20 years supporting us in an honorable and respectable manner. As such, we're obligated to free them from those who are counting the seconds to shed their blood. After the support that they offered for us, its the appropriate thing to do. At the end of the day, the ones who have the most to lose are the Afghans themselves. Many of them are going to die at the hands of the Taliban. 


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