Greg Abbott, Gun Regulation, The NRA's Tomfoolery (Yet Again)

This isn't an issue that is easy to address, depending on how one feels about the topic. Several (including yours truly) believe that one can still uphold the Second Amendment while pursuing common-sense gun regulation. One can embrace such ideas without being labeled anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment, or anti-American by those who simply see things one-sided. However, the NRA taught a whole generation of Americans, especially Texans, that the Second Amendment is to be interpreted as owning anything to your heart's content without regulation. Those who see things black-and-white have been blinded by the NRA's empty rhetoric.

The once proud and respected organization, tainted by the pursuit of power and money; only proclaims people's right to own firearms because of the financial incentive, and not because of genuine commitment to the Second Amendment. Their presence has made a farce of the Second Amendment, and the Constitution as a whole. 

The NRA hadn't cared about people's gun rights for a few decades. To the NRA, there members are simply open wallets to exploit money from when need-be. It's in there best interest to interpret the Second Amendment as owning anything to your hearts content without interest. A flood of gun owners means a flood of new potential members, and thus, a flood of new membership fees that go into Wayne LaPeirre coffers.  

They sold there soul to the devil and turned into a very ugly manifestation of fear itself. In the process, they became very politicized, much to the determent of those who just wanted to hunt and learn about gun education and safety. They used fear as a tool to manipulate and brainwash their followers blindly for there own nefarious purpose. The Mellodramtic, consumed these demons of the NRA's making, join in that perceived zero-sums battle (does that trope ever get old) where trying to stop dangerous criminals is seen in the same light as enabling Nazis to kick down the door so they can drag you to the nearest concentration camp while taking away your guns. Loaded with money, they simply could buy off anyone with a glowing review. Just ask Ted Cruz. He has taken a lot of money from them. Cruz is in there back-pocket. 

Those intent of protecting the status quo was never going to seek common ground, hiding behind outlandish rhetoric disconnected from reality instead. One can't expect a democracy to function if one side declares that its "my way or the highway". Reaching a common consensus through compromising is a cornerstone of a functional democracy, not embracing a "its my way or the highway" mentality. 

The idea of stopping harmful people from getting high-powered  guns was crushed by the hands of those who felt that this was a step too far. Did they want to protect the gun rights for those who want the right to take away the lives of others, especially children. This is ironic that this is coming from those who proclaim law-and-order at the top of there lungs. Very contradictory to say the least. but it is what it is.  

One would think that after bankruptcy (which was of their own making), the organization would have learned that intense polarization was the reason that led to their demise. However, if anything; since there comeback, they have doubled down on that polarization. Failure for one to learn from their mistakes will only lead to them repeating them down the road. 

Even the painful loss of children who have had there lives robbed from them violently is going to be marked by indifference from the one who could enact real change. Those who scream about there rights to owning anything to there hearts content without restraint, I have to ask this though: Did the children who were killed have a right to life? Did the children who died that day have the right to go to school without something horrific happening to them? What about there rights? The slippery slope argument embraced by the melodramatic ends when innocent children are murdered. Those obsessed would be singing a very different tune if it was there child or loved one who was killed. Prioritizes become misplaced when those who worship there one-sided obsession with there firearms (those guns aren't going to love you back) overrides life itself. 

Greg Abbott is in the NRA's league. Instead of acting for the general welfare of those in the state, Greg Abbott has taken party over principle. Lastly, the gun topic is a health issue, not a partisan one.  


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