When That Drug Called Polarization Becomes Our Worst Enemy
Many years ago, I had a conversation around the family table about how the extreme elements of a party can steer the whole course of the ship. This was early in the Obama Administration. One of the patterns that you witnessed was that when the extreme elements of the Republicans pushed for "loaded" legislation, the Democrat Party would try to outdo them, which would lead to even more polarizing legislation. As a result, both parties started to become consumed by extremely vocal elements of there respective parties, a "Political Arms Race" so to say. Moderates that weren't that keen on supporting such legislation now compelled to support it because if they didn't they would have become labeled as "traitors" from the fringe elements of that party, thus pushing the polarization even more. The extremist fringe elements would define the course of party politics.
The Texas Republican Convention has turned into the manifestation of that reality. The Republican Party of Texas has been taken over by extremist who I can safety say that they don't represent the common Republican supporter, but yet now speaks for them now (at least in this state). Those who don't blindly worship them are called RINO's (Republicans In Name Only, as if the world needs yet more political slang). Instead of trying to bring people to there side, they will demonize anyone who doesn't conform to there narrow and extreme vision of how things should be. There are no shades of gray. You're either for them or against. Even though a democracy requires us all to work together, they feel that the commonwealth of freedom can function on the "it's my way or the highway" and "get the Hell out of my way or I will run you over!" approach to governing. Telling people that it's either "us-or-them" is the most effective way to governing, said nobody ever. One wonders how much they could accomplish if they brought that massive amounts of energy and used it to encourage bipartisan support instead of being confrontational and hostile instead. Such wasted effort. Think about how much more support they would have if they didn't cater to crackpots while those who don't believe in the outlandish conspiracy theories that they don't belong. These are people who should not be admired and turned into heroes. They have consumed the narrative.
The events of the Texas Republican Convention are anything to be a sign of, one should be very disturbed. The Republican Party of Texas have caved in to extremist elements that are disconnected from reality. They have perpetrated false conspiracies as the gospel truth. I understand if people don't like Biden. I don't like Biden. But negative claims don't automatically become true just because you don't like the guy or you think the claim is true, and that applies with the voter fraud. Yet many have embraced the 21st Century equivalent of the "Stabbed-In-The-Back" myth. This is how fascism is born.
Civic Rights, Democracy, and Religion
I understand if people don't agree with the lifestyle choices of the LGBTQ. However, they do have civic rights too. The party that screams "freedom" and liberty" at the top of there lungs want to deny a group there rights because of a life choice. How is that "freedom" and "liberty"? Kind of a oxymoron if you ask me. Their civic rights just because you don't like there lifestyle.
In a democracy, everyone is entitled to there civic rights. Individual rights are vital in a democracy. However (and I know that Libertarians don't want to read this), in order for the rights of the individual to be upheld, the rights of others need to be upheld as well. In a democracy, we are not our own island. We are all bound by a social contract. What this means that any given group has to be uphold the rights of others in order for there rights to be upheld. The rights of Christians are very important. Yet in order that that Christian to uphold there rights, they have to uphold the rights of Buddhist, Hindu, Muslims, Agnostic, Atheist, (and Christians don't want to read this either) and the LGBTQ as well. In a democracy, we are all in the same boat in regard to our civic rights. One can't just selfishly proclaim our own rights while remaining ignorant of the rights of others as well. One can't demand red carpet treatment and then tell others to get off that carpet only to expect the marginalized to rally to our defense. We are all in the same boat at the end of the day.
Religious persecution is a very important real-world issue that impacts millions around the world, regardless of there affiliation. The suffering inflicted is the same, regardless of the one at the receiving end. Thus, again, we are all in the same boat. In China, Christians and Buddhist have faced extreme amounts of persecution in the very recent past. Much more recently, it's estimated that there are around 2-3 millions of Uighur Muslims in prison camps in China. I know that the self-righteous would be dismissive of there plight. However, one needs to pay attention because what is happening to the Muslims in those camps can easily happen to Buddhist and Christians too. Just because it's not your day today doesn't mean that it won't be your day tomorrow. Yet, when the topic is references in this country, Is it in regards to those who face religious persecution in China, about the Christians in Africa, the Rohingya persecution in Myanmar; or is it in reference to someone claiming Christian suffering because there upset because they heard "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". Priorities can't be misplaced, especially on an vital topic such as this.
The very idea of succession is an abomination at the very concept of union. It's an idea that also doesn't work, The Southern States, including Texas here, tried the whole succession bit in the 1860's. Ask them how that turned out! One would have assumed that the Civil War would have settled the question of succession. Apparently not though for the twats running the state. While one is entitled to there views, you don't leave and call it quits because your butthurt and you can't get your way. The whole purpose of democracy is living together with our differences so that we can better understand each other and build that stronger relationship, not tear each other apart when we feel that we can't get our way.
This makes me question if the Southern States were ever truly part of our country. One can declare to be an American, but only on terms that are deemed acceptable. This seems to be the case with the South throughout the history of our country. They only embraced America as a Union as an concept when it was on there terms. Is that truly being a part of this country?
In this state, we already have a horrible habit of crapping on our teachers. Teachers have constantly received flak from the three P's; parents, preachers, and politicians. They are assaulted on all sides by the ignorant, and now were going to ask them to carry a gun on top of that? No wonder there is a teacher shortage.
No teacher would want to be in an environment where there screamed at by ill-informed fools for not teaching that the Earth is only 6,000 years old and flat, aliens built the Pyramids, that global warming isn't a real thing with students questioning the validity of the Holocaust while also being branded as "Radical Leftist" by ignorant politicians simply by stating that racism exist and is a bad thing; and now being asked to carry a gun on top of all of that! And all for low pay too! When the initiative to arm teacher started, did anyone ask them about how they feel about it?
A large part of this post is a response to the perceived role of teacher safety following the shooting. Another part of that response is driven by the actions of those who demonize teachers when they should be praising them. This is in response to a letter that Ryan Walters, Oklahoma's Secretary of Education, sent an open letter to parents in the Tulsa Independent School District. The letter contained politically charged language demonizing teachers as "Radical Leftist" while blaming them for the low grades at Tulsa ISD because of there "dogma".
I can make the safe assumption that the fact that this idiot is using politician slang in an official capacity highlights his lack of education, sheer ignorance, or both. If Ryan Walters published his opinions on a
personal blog or as a Facebook post, then they're wouldn't be such a
negative response. However, he used state resources to perpetrate one-sided and extremely partisan rhetoric consumed with fallacies and stereotypes.
Despite the popular opinion of many, school districts don't cater to
political biases. As such, using district resources to push an self-serving political agenda is massive conflict of interest. When anyone
usually signs up for a job, they usually sign a clause along the lines
of not making the organization look bad, a guess what, Ryan Walters did by making himself look like an incompetent fool for his outlandish stunt. Walters claims that the school district is politicizing the situation. Yet, it seems as the only one who is politicizing the situation is him. The letter that is condemning charged rhetoric is simultaneously fanning it. What a contradiction. One can't condemn left-wing indoctrination while implying a right-wing one instead.
can't claim that he's being "canceled" because he used district
resources to call teachers "Radical Leftist" publicly. He can't blame
"Woke Crowds" or "Radical Leftist" for his own shortcomings and
failures and self-serving ambitions. One can't conjure up there own non-existent demons simply to exploit the emotionally charged. There are no "Socialist" trying to rewrite history, not that there is anything to fear as Socialism is not a thing in this country (and no, Social Democracy and Socialism are not the same thing). There is no love of Socialism on this blog either. When I mean Socialism, I mean at how its actually defined, and not as a generic umbrella term for random crap that people don't like. This brings up a point. As someone who is involved in public education, Ryan should of all people be educated enough to know how political terms are actually defined. (I've linked the actual definition in the articles of interest for reference below). Lastly, for a quick refresher, here's how one can tell if they don't live in a socialist country. If you can walk into multiple stores and run across 30-50 different brands of soda and energy drinks in each one, then you don't live in a socialist country. For Greg Abbott, there will be a quiz on this later.
Getting back to Texas and the topic on hand; Greg Abbott and others;
Teachers are not your enemy.
The teachers in this great state would have a much better chance if you supported them instead of fighting them. We as a society lose when we push our teachers underneath the bus.
P.S. What's up with this pronoun controversy thing. I haven't been following the news in depth since I've been getting over Covid (I'm doing well again BTW). Is this one of those "controversies" that only became such 5 minutes ago from people with too much time on there hands?
Texas GOP adopts anti-LGBTQ platform, refers to being gay as ‘abnormal’ (The Hill) : https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3529268-texas-gop-party-adopts-anti-lgbtq-platform-refers-to-being-gay-as-abnormal/
Texas Republican Convention calls Biden win illegitimate and rebukes Cornyn over gun talks (Texas Tribune) : https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/18/republican-party-texas-convention-cornyn/
TULSA SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS PUSH BACK ON ATTACKS FROM RYAN WALTERS (The Black Wall Street Times) : https://theblackwallsttimes.com/2022/06/18/tulsa-school-board-members-push-back-on-attacks-from-ryan-walters/
Socialism (Merriam-Webster) : https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/socialism#usage-1
China Must End Its Campaign of Religious Persecution (Politico) : https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/10/25/china-must-end-its-campaign-of-religious-persecution-221910/
Rohingya genocide (Wikipedia) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohingya_genocide
War on Christmas (RationalWiki) : https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/War_on_Christmas
Samuel Alito: Top US judge mocks world leaders over abortion ruling (BBC) : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62344354
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