Epic Fail And Imaginary Demons

Anyone who is a regular on my blog  knows that I'm not a fan of Greg Abbott. For anyone who doesn't live in this state, its tempting to form a skewed image of him. While governors of other states will be occasionally mentioned on this blog in passing, I don't go into full detail about what happens in New York, California, or Florida because I don't live in those states. I don't feel the effects the policies and the effects that they have in those states. Also, what the governors of those states do don't affect me here in Texas. 

If I was in a state that's largely run by Democrats, I would probably despise the Democrat party because of there hypocrisy. The Democrat Party is not immune from criticism though. At the same time, every complaint made against the Democrats can be equally applied to the Republican Party as well. Topics such as big money, control of lobbyist, insider politics, etc; affects both parties in the same capacity. Things don't change because one simply decides to apply some arbitrary label to there personality. Both parties are simply two sides of the same coin and equally prone to moral and ethical shortcomings. While we are entitled to our opinions, the idea of political parties being righteous entities incapable of wrongdoing is the stuff of fairy tales. There is a reason why George Washington warned against them in his Farewell Address.

At the same time though, the Republicans have been running this state since the 90's. I'm in constant witness of the hypocrisy coming from the Republicans running this state. When it comes to the failures that have occurred in this state, it has been at the hands of Republicans. There is no one else to blame. There are no "Woke" crowds or "Radical Leftist" to blame (why does my mouth taste like vomit now after using political slang?). These are imaginary demons invented by them deflect accountability.

Before Covid, I really didn't have a opinion about Greg Abbott. However, one's true colors are quickly exposed once a dire situation takes hold. From his mishandling to the Covid Outbreak to his failure to respond to the 2021 Freeze to El Paso, Houston, and now Uvalde; it makes me wonder why people would still worship the ground that he travels on; ground constantly covered by other people's blood. Party affiliation doesn't mean anything either.  If he was a Democrat and displayed the same level of incompetence, then there would still be countless blogpost highlight his failures. Many have needlessly suffered in this state because of his policies. We all pay the price.

The driving catalyst behind my disappointment with Greg Abbott stems from one simple reason: he hasn't admitted responsibility for his failures as governor. This is why they're so many blogpost about him. This will be the driving motivation for future post. The respect would be there if after the shooting, Greg Abbott would have said the following like "I failed you as governor. I placed my politics ahead of the safety and well-being of the residents of this great state. I failed the teachers, parents, and above all, the children. I must personally do better to make amends, place my politics aside for what's best for this state and its citizens".

This is a speech that will never happen. Greg Abbott is too beyond humbling himself to those he failed (the entire state). This is too much to ask from someone who lacks humanity. As typical in the Abbott style, he immediately sought for scapegoats to sacrifice in his place. He attended political functions and fundraisers right after the shooting. He announced a committee to look into the shooting. However, those committees don't have real power and only serve as a distraction.

I don't like Beto. On one hand, he shouldn't have did what he did at the meeting. At the same time, I have a strong assumption that his emotions were very much real and driven my disappointment, anger, and passion. Assuming if what Beto did was for show, how would that make him any different from Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, and Ted Cruz

The whole nature of the "press conference" itself was a farce intended on making Greg Abbott and friends the headline acts at the expense of those who lost loved ones in the shooting. The press conference itself was simply a show for the headline acts that are driven by intense political ambitions.

On one hand, many of these charges could be levied against Matthew McConaughey as well with his appearance at a White House press conference. However, he, like Beto, is driven by pain. Uvalde is his hometown after all. I can make the safe assumption that the traumatic shooting has made a profound impact on him. By going directly there when he didn't have to, and now fund-raising and raising awareness, McConaughey has done far more for the victims and the safety of Texans in general in the past three weeks than what Greg Abbott has every done as governor. Thus, I'm going to give him a pass. 

Epic Failure

What happened in Ulvade was an abject failure on all sides. There was failures on the National, State, and Local level. What good is it to have a well-funded police department when it's poorly used and incompetent.  Forty percent of Ulvade's funding went into its police department. This is much more than many other places. How has that played out though? The bad guy with a gun was eventually stopped by a good guy with a gun, but only after so many have died. There was so many levels of failure as there was massive miscommunication between the officer in the school and the police department. It wasn't under Border Patrol got involved that things got moving. By that point though, it was too late. 

We still don't have an full account of what happened because of the police department has been busy hiding its incompetence while blaming everything under the sun except the horrific failures of the police department. Also, what the Hell is a "cyber game". I play video games all the time, but yet, I never heard of this term. Is this one of those phrases quickly embraced by those who are badly looking for a scapegoat, but yet, don't know what in the Hell they're talking about. It only makes those who have already massive failed in there duty look even more incompetent than they already are. 

Unfortunately, incompetence best describes the whole situation on both the local and the state level. Greg Abbott talks about defending our schools, but yet, won't allocate money to it. He also talks about researching mental health, but yet, won't allocate the resources for that as everything has been diverted to his failed "Lone Star" initiative.


I don't understand why people worship the ground that Ted Cruz walks on either. How he even remains a senator is a question of the gods as Ted Cruz is a spineless and pathetic excuse of a human. In the 2018 election, the reason why Beto got as many votes as he did wasn't because people were voting for him, they were voting against Ted Cruz. In an ideal world, one should be able to vote for an candidate because they support him. But when the choices presented is either a wannabe politician with grand ambitions and spineless liar out for himself, one is given very crappy options. There was no winners, with us, the voters, the ones loosing. 

Ted Cruz's words are as empty as the vacuum of space itself.  He is quick to blame media, video games, the decline of families, etc. Yet his inaction on topics such as gun regulation has contributed to what happened in Ulvade. Not a surprise as he has taken money from the NRA. However, I can make the safe assumption that he won't blame himself. There is no one else to blame. Like Greg Abbott, he has never done anything for this state. He always put his political ambitions ahead of the well-being of Texans. And yet, I'm suppose to support this loser. His party has been running the state since the middle 90's. There are no "Radical Leftist" or "Woke Crowds" to pin his faults on, as hard as he may try. Ted Cruz, all accountability falls on you and your party.

For "Pro-Life" Christians, it seems that death follows Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, and Ted Cruz a lot. One shouldn't be surprised though. If they were so "Pro-Life", then they would have gone out of there way to protect our children. It's a massive contradiction that they scream abortion at the top of there lungs, but yet, thru inaction, allow horrific school shootings to occur. Talk about a false witness of character.  


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