More Things I Need To Get Off My Chest (Part 2)

I Don't Have Time For Family Drama

There's this saying that you shouldn't go to bed angry because when you wake up in the morning, you're going to be in a foul mood. Well, this morning, I'm still somewhat in that fuming state-of-mind. One would think that after the last article "Things I Need To Get Of My Chest", I would have felt better. However, that lingering feeling of bitterness and disappointment hovers over me. It's that feeling of disappointment where one who should just accept who you are instead holds your views against you. 

Before anyone calls me a hypocrite, there's been many of times (the vast majority actually), where I never said a word during conversations as many said things that I disagreed with, but kept my silence out of a sign of respect. Also, visitation to my blog is completely optional. Their are no guilt trips here. When I share a link on my Facebook Timeline, it usually just shows the title anyway, so one can skip it entirely of their choosing. I can be awesome like that. 

While I’m open to insightful disagreements, I’m not going to be scolded because I don’t conform to a certain mindset. I shouldn't have to sacrifice a social media presence just to make people happy.

With that mentioned, their is a lot about me that people may or may not know. Aspects that can't be filled in one article, or even ten for that matter. I'm a regular volunteer at my church. I've been on disaster relief in past years. I work as a computer technician as my profession at various jobs (mainly small businesses). I work hard as both an employee and as a volunteer, getting my hands dirty a lot. I do various choirs around the apartment and outside cutting the grass or take out the trash, even as Texas-sized mosquitos drink my blood as if I was a bottle of Chardonnay. Sometimes, I get asked to preach anti-Christian and anti-God sermons at my church when the preachers are out of town. I wear many hats.

I'm also a part-time YouTuber running my own channel. I typically play video games on my spare time. I almost have over 100 hour in Euro Truck Simulator on Steam. Lately, I've been recording my gaming sessions for mu channel. Euro Truck and GMOD have provided countless hours of fun during the outbreak.

This blog is ALL ME. I constantly research various topics and get a better understanding. Any in-depth article takes about 10-15 man-hours to compose. They are an intensive labor of love that is loaded with research with various sources to help back up my views. I have opinions, but I try to back them up with as much fact as possible, hence the loaded work citations. Learning is a never-ending task for me. When one starts to act as if they know everything, then they stop growing as a person. My blog is only one aspect of that complex jigsaw puzzle that's called my life.

More Of My Beliefs In A Nutshell

I have a strong disdain for both political parties and partisan politics in general. This will reek disappointment sets in for those who thought that they could categorize me using empty labels. My views are all over the place. As stated in the previous article, my beliefs are usually a product of life experiences. The Republican Party has constantly lied to me as a voter over the years, telling me false claims simply because they wanted my vote and nothing else. However, if the Republican Party can lie to be, so can the Democrat Party. Both parties are controlled by billion dollar interest and lobbyist groups and not the people. Both parties are defined by empty brand-name politicians that are loaded with money. The Democrat Party is a money-bloated house built by the Clinton while the Republican Party has been blinded by Trump. Asking to choose between one or the other is like asking whether one wants to kicked in the nuts or shocked with a taser. Both are a burning dumpster fire. This is why I identify as an Independent out of sheer convenience. I know for those who view politics as a binary choice, comprehend the existence of a third choice is hard to understand, but such a thing exist. One can have opinions based on facts without conforming to the slants of either party.

I don’t like Biden. He’s about as career politician as they get. Biden isn't anything to brag about. He's horribly mishandled immigration. At the same time, every bad thing that can be said about Biden can be said about Trump as well. They are simply two sides of the same coin. For those who consume tribal politics, they won't see it as such, but this is the case.

Greg Abbott is a screw-up of colossal proportions. Over 50,000 Texans died as a result of his mishandling off the virus, and then over 100 more due to the mishandling caused as a result of the freeze and not their being enough energy (because Greg Abbott told his fellow states and the Federal Government to go to Hell, thus we couldn’t import energy). When California was plagued by their energy crisis in the early 2000's, people rightfully hailed the Democrat Party responsible for it. I don't know why many are so reluctant to do the same when the Republican Party here in Texas makes similar mistakes. They are simply the other side of that same coin as well.

I despise people who use fear as an instrument for fear and control. This includes Televangelist and million-dollar evangelist, along with a once-proud lobbyist group that tarnished its name reputation, and mission for the sake of control and money. Their are no respect for politicians who scare voters by telling them that they are one vote away from a concentration camp simply because of a difference of opinion. Televangelist loaded with money will use fear as a weapon to protect that money.

As one who tries to uphold my personal Christian values, I could never ever reconcile Trump. This a-moral and godless buffoon who showed no interest in religion before the election called himself a Christian so that he could fool people into voting for him, and millions fell for it. I can understand people voting for him for economic and social reasons. I still wouldn’t agree with their choice, but at least I could understand where their coming from. I can’t understand those who voted for Trump because they viewed him as a pillar of morality and Christianity, as his actions and character were anything but. Millions forfeited the moral high and compromised on their faith for a cheap victory in 2016. This was a bargain of Faustian proportions as the Evangelist got what they wanted, but destroyed their witness and credibility in the process. Trump started to branded himself as the best thing for Christianity since Jesus, while spreading lies. He became the Messiah for millions the world over. He was elevated as a spiritual pillar by those who substituted him in place of Jesus, the one who actually did suffer and die for their sins. However, Trump is simply a symptom of a much bigger issue.

Christianity was never intended as being a political movement. It's a spiritual movement that seeks for Salvation. As such, those who use Christianity as a tool for social and political control have manipulated it into a grotesque monster. For those who are all consumed by power and control, it was never about the spirituality of others, but being the thought police. Many Christians traded in Salvation for power, profit, and control. This is the "Christianity" that I want nothing to do with. This is the Christianity that pushes Jesus to the background instead of the forefront. This is the Christianity that screams that they are "more Christian" than others because they wear Team Jesus T-Shirts and WWJD arm wrist while deciding their spirituality by party-line instead of recognizing the Savior who died for their sins. Is this what becomes when we become so consumed by their interpretation of Christianity that they won't see it as a difference, but assume a "I'm right, and your wrong" position.

Covid (Again)

I promise to keep it short. What's sad is that many died when they didn't have too. Yet, when they choose to embrace conspiracy theories as the gospel truth, their fate was sealed. Their deaths need to serve as an example of what happens when one embraces false claims as validated fact. The virus wasn't going to show mercy regardless.

This virus was much bigger than any one of us. We all needed to work together in solidarity to deal with it. Democracy only works when the rights of others are held alongside that of individuals. We are all under a social contract. We're all neighbors at the end of day. Is the phrase "love thy neighbor" a phase that one holds dear to their heart or something that many quote only to make themselves feel good regardless of their actions.


I really need to get over this. We have better things to do with our quarreling over petty garbage, I'm robbing hours away from Euro Truck Simulator, GMOD, and video editing because of this family drama. I've said my peace. We both need to move on with this trivial nonsense. However, the articles are going to continue, and the blog is going to march on. I’m not going to sacrifice my social media presence to make others feel happy. My blog exist to reflect my interest and views on topics, not that of others. Their is always room for insightful disagreement, but the line is drawn when scorn is scorn because I don' conform to what others want me to believe.  We both need to move on. I'll extend the olive branch here (too lazy to post olive branch picture). But its the meaning that counts!


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