My Thoughts Close Of The Election : Religion and Politics


One of the most toxic things that anyone can do is mix religion and politics together.

Why Do People Mix Politics And Religion Together?

Even on a good day, politics is a very divisive topics. In theory, a political discussion shouldn't be charged. However, when people feel that there preferred party can do no wrong and assumes a us-vs.-them mentality, then a rational discussion flies out the window. You can only imagine how things get during an election year. 

However, one of the most toxic things that anyone can do is mix religion and politics together. When this occurs, the object of worship changes. Instead of God, people start to worship politics, and thus, there preferred leaders become there new gods. The level of devotion is still there, but the direction changes. Political ideology is passed off as quote "Biblical teaching". This party becomes quote “evil” while this other party becomes quote “the party of God”. Things become black-and-white for those who assume this destructive mentality. However, things are never that simple, especially within the political realm. It's not as simple as saying that this party is good, while the other is evil, especially considering that both political parties are equally prone to corruption and moral and ethical shortcomings. Things are much more complex than what meets the eye.

However, that hasn't stopped many from branding demagogues as Messiahs. When naive individuals proclaim their leader as the Messiah now, that leader becomes an unquestioned deity. Their isn't an objective observation of there leader's actions. Every action becomes moral, righteous, and justified. For those who are very devout, they don't see things as a difference of opinion. Several see their personal views on social and political commentary as divine inspiration: "I'm right, and unless you agree with me, then your wrong!". "If you have a different views than me, then you're possessed by Satan!".  Mundane politics is presented as this grand battle between good and evil. If things were again only that simple and trivial. 

When religion and politics mix, invisible boogeymen and cartoon villains become very real. An objective criticism of party policy is seen as an attack of faith while criticizing there leader is seen in the same light as criticizing God. Many confused respect with blind obedience and worship. For those consumed by power and privilege, Christianity is no longer a instrument for spiritual outreach and Salvation, but as a tool for social and political control. Because their isn't anything spiritual about politics, this interpretation of Christianity is consumed with contradictions, tainting a person's Christian witness. Blasphemy is committed by those who elevate there leader as an equal to God and Jesus.

Jesus didn’t play this game. He has better things to do with his time than to partake in pointless squabbles. Offense is taken when many try to attach labels to him as Jesus was neither a Democrat or a Republican. I’m very sure that Jesus wasn't this cowboy driving a 70’s red Cadillac Convertible with the longhorn hood-ornament with a shotgun next to him while screaming “MERICA” at the top of his lungs. A Christian should be above tribal politics, not consume it like a narcotic. 

Jesus's Character

Jesus didn’t have nice things to say about the political establishments of his day. He was critical of the Sanhedrin, which was comprised of the Pharisees and Sadducee. Jesus didn’t hold back his disdain for them. He recognized there right to rule. However, when it came time to call them out for there shortcomings, he didn’t hold back. He just didn’t blindly nod his head up-and-down like an obedient boy-scout.

Jesus wouldn’t have wanted his followers to become distracted with trivial and pointless squabbles. The ministry looses when time that should be spent for spiritual outreach is lost to those being distracted by petty annoyances. Your political views is not going to determine your spirituality. Your views on topics such as evolution  or climate change isn't going to determine your spirituality either, as they are ill-relevant from a spiritual perspective. Those topics isn’t going to determine your spiritual status, as how sharing random religious memes on Facebook isn’t going to determine that status either. The path of Salvation is one which transcend being pointless distractions.

Jesus’s kingdom wasn't of this Earth. Jesus never encouraged his followers on creating there own country because doing so would have been a massive distraction to his ministry. Also, those who did would do so to pursue there own self-interest in Jesus’s name. The very concept of a Christian country is a contradiction to Christianity, so praying for one is asking for something that goes against his teachings.

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Manipulation Taken To A Whole New Level

We are responsible for the words that come out of our mouths. As a result, this is one of the most disturbing videos that I've ever watched. Christians who have become consumed with power and privilege are proclaiming a con-man and a-moral buffoon as the Messiah. In the eyes of many, Trump has become Jesus. What this video reveals is that you can be paraded as the Second Coming as long as you tickle the ears of Evangelical Christians. Trump is presented as a gift of divine inspiration, which thus makes him the new Messiah. Several Christians will deny this. However, there actions speak louder than there words. Their is nothing Biblical about the claims echoed, but yet blindly believed by those who embrace him as there new Messiah. Blind support turns into a cult-ish devotion where their leader becomes God in the eyes of many.

The Bible is remolded to fit this narrative. Beliefs are compromised and the moral high ground is lost while such believers re-brand their personal preference of their leader as the "Chosen One"; again despite no scriptures to validate their beliefs.  

For Televangelist, Trump is the best thing to happen since slice bread, but for all the wrong reasons. The Televangelist singing his praises got what they wanted. These con-men abandoned spirituality for social and political control, and they got what they wanted. It's was never about spirituality, but power and privilege. Trump gave them that power and privilege along with all the money that comes with it. They made there deal with the Devil. 

Not only that, they will to anything to protect there status. Televangelist love there money and power. Thus,  they don't appeal to there congregation based on facts, but charged emotions. Thus, they will call out anyone that's a potential threat to there revenue stream. There critics are now satanic demons. They know that those in there congregations can't think rationally when in an emotionally overcharged state. Fear becomes that tool used to control them.

Televangelist will make the most desperate claims in a vain effort to protect there riches and privileges. The red carpet was for them and them alone. Giving back for the greater good of society and striving for civic equality is decried as persecution. They will tell there congregations that the Democrats will murder them in the streets if elected. They will criminalize there faith, take away there guns and march to a concentration camp never to be seen again. They will tell there congregation that they are only one vote away from murder. This is one of the most vile and appalling things that supposed men of God could tell there children. There are real world consequences when you tell people that the world is out to get them. These Televangelist is exploiting there congregations perceived fears and anxieties for own self-serving purposes and passing off those actions as quote “faith”.

Power consumes, and as such, nothing will stop at nothing to keep there congregation in line. Those in the congregation will blindly believe anything that there Televangelist spews. "HE'S A MAN OF GOD!!!! HE WOULDN'T LIE TO ME" proclaimed by those now consumed by the fear and lies fed to them. "I AM ONLY ONE VOTE AWAY FROM DEATH!" proclaims those in the pews.

Those exploitative Televangelist knows that they can make the most outrageous claims and get away with it because his friends will hang on to every word. The gullible are exploited. Those that don't embrace this politically-indoctrinated brand of Christianity are denounced as "lesser" Christians under the influence of Satan. Satan has been unleashed, but it's not secularism that's the enemy. It's fear and paranoia. What's depressing is that many will actually believe the lies while the Televangelist laugh all there way to the bank. The biggest threat to Christianity isn't secularism, it's other Christians. Christians who strive for power and privilege instead of spiritual outreach.

These Televangelist want that theocracy and all the power that comes with it while turning Christianity into something that it was never intended on being: a political movement. The very idea of a Christian country is a contradiction to Christianity itself. Jesus was building a kingdom in heaven, and not striving for political power and pursuit.  Theocracies are a contradiction to Jesus's teachings. When these Televangelist proclaim that they want to build a Christian country, they are making a declaration that is a contradiction to Christianity itself. For Televangelist, its about being the thought police, with genuine spiritual outreach being damned in the process.

Trump's Christian Character (Or More Like Lack Thereof)It's one thing to vote for someone due to economic or social reasons. Even though I would still disagree with those who voted for Trump for such reasons, I can respect someone who voted Republican as long as they put valid, rational thought behind there decision. Even if I disagree with them, I can at least understand where there coming from. However, I can never understand those who voted for Trump because they see him as a pillar of Christianity. His actions are anything but. The a-moral buffoon showed no interest in religion until the 2016 election. Yet, he's now magically the Messiah because he ticked the ears of those listening like the pied piper.

Trump is paraded as the best thing for Christians even though he hadn't done anything for them. What I find strange was that prior to getting the nomination, the general consensus of Evangelical voters was one of reluctance. Yet, the very second he got that nomination, these voters were practically ready to build a pyramid in his honor. 

In my opinion, the people who claim that they never compromise on there beliefs sold out in 2016 for a cheap victory. Evangelical Christians lost the moral high ground when they supported a candidate who wore decades of sexual misconduct as a badge of honor. "Character Counts" was the slogan of the 90's in response to Clinton's sexual allegations. However, the same crowd who was ready to crucify Clinton gave Trump a free pass for the same actions. While the phrase "Hate the sin, not the sinner" is one of the cornerstone beliefs in Christianity, Evangelical Christians were selective in where they applied that teaching too. Because Clinton wasn't a team player, they were ready to write him off whereas Trump revives there praise because he's tickling there ears. Were these Christians ever serious or devout about there spirituality? No wonder why many see Christians as hypocrites. 

Also,. many Evangelicals crap on Mormons for there beliefs. Yet, it was the Mormons who remained committed to there beliefs and didn't compromise on there moral code for a cheap victory in 2016. Let that sink in. 

The Present Day Messiah

If Jesus partook in his ministry nowadays, he wouldn't have kind words to say about either political party. He would call out the politicians of the Democrat party for claiming to love the poor, but cozing up to major corporations. How can you love the poor if your swimming in the money of the rich. He would call out the Republican Party as well. I imagine Jesus would probably call them out as hypocrites for claiming to be Pro-Life, but doing nothing about gun-violence or call them out for selling missile-armed drones to countries that used them apart women and children. I could image the response being the following: "How is that Pro-Life?.....And they have the nerve to call themselves the party of God”. Needless to say, Jesus would quickly make enemies on both sides.

Things wouldn’t have ended there. Many who uses God’s word for spectacle and profit would have been slammed by Jesus as well. Did he hold back on the traders who used the temple courts as a marketplace? Jesus would have slammed the prosperity gospel as rubbish and empty drivel. He would have wanted people to enrich there lives spiritually, but not through material possessions. 

Many would welcome him at first. However, encourage by his mere presence, they would quickly proclaim that it’s now time to quote “take back the country!” Our present-day Messiah would have a puzzled look before declaring that is role is spiritual, and not political in purpose. Also, there never was nothing to take back because people never kept God's law in there hearts. That Christian utopia that they saw though there rose-tinted glasses never existed. Why are they acting as if things were peachy until recently? I could easily image Jesus saying “My purpose to to bring Salvation to people and present hope to sinners. I’m not here to start revolutions or seize control. Jesus’s kingdom wasn't of this Earth. Jesus wasn't building an Earthly kingdom. Our wannabe, think-headed rebels would quickly call Jesus a "snowflake" and a "libtard". 

They would have been much more concerned building there theocracy than trying to live by Jesus's teachings. They would have been much more distracted with power and control than by spirituality. Theocracies are bad, regardless of the religion. The Pharisees and Sadducee were much more consumed with power, profit, prestige, and glory then they were about the spiritual needs of people. This is why Jesus called them out. Despite what that empty-headed nincompoop Jerry Falwell Jr. said, Jesus called out the political establishment of his day because they were consumed by politics, not because Jesus was trying to build his own political movement to replace it. Christianity was never intended as being a political movement. Our present-day Messiah would be upset by how many who claim to uphold his teachings while praying for things that would completely contradict them. That joker wearing the "Team Jesus" t-shirt is no different than all the other fools who wear those Che Guevara shirts.

The disciples recognized Jesus as there Messiah and king. However, there definition of Messiah and king was very different than what Jesus intended. There Messiah was someone who was going to wage war against the Roman Empire and build there own in its place. They wanted to abolish the old order and establish a new one. They were going to become the new Pharisees. Jesus wasn't going to do none of these things though. Jesus was to bring Salvation, not establish a new order. Jesus wanted people to have that relationship with God, not for his spiritual movement to be used as a tool for social and political control. Jesus wasn't out to create a country in his own image. While Jesus acknowledged the political order of his day, he wasn't consumed by it. It's a massive distraction to his ministry. He also wanted Christians to avoid such obsessions as well. He knew that if Christians tried to make there own country, they would push his teachings by the side and focus on what there own idea of what “Christianity” is.


In the grand scope of things, whichever party wins or loses is ill-relevant. In the grand span of the universe, God has far better things to do in his infinite time than watching partisan politics on a particular spot on the globe. While voting is important, God doesn’t care who you vote for. Red or blue, what’s the difference.

However, Christians who mix religion and politics together become there own worst enemy. About a year before his death, Billy Graham gave an interview. The reporter asked him about his biggest regret was. Billy Graham responded that his biggest regret was his involvement in politics. His views were distorted as his Christian ministry took a back seat to party politics. As a man of God, the peacemaker turned into a war-mongering hawk telling congregations to love thy enemy while simultaneously telling Nixon to carpet-bomb North Vietnam even harder than Johnson. He advocated young men to fight them Commies. Many would never come home.

Billy Graham was praising Nixon for his Christian character while Nixon was covering up the worst political crime ever committed. Because of his politicizing of religion, Billy Graham made many bad judgement calls. However, there is another reason why Bill Graham is referenced here. He has done something that many Evangelical Christians haven't done:

He actually admitted his mistakes, regrets, and shortcomings.

Many Evangelical Christians could learn things from this man's character. This alone should serve as a cautionary tell of why a Christian should never mix religion and politics together. Billy Graham own son tossed his father's dire warning in the trash while going full political sellout and……...well the less I say, the better.

Articles Of Interest - General Purpose
GotQuestions - What is Christian dominionism? :

Wikipedia - Christian Nationalism :

Dominionism (RationalWiki) :

Dear Trump Christians: what in God’s name are you doing? (Patheos) :

Jesus Would Have Been the Worst Conservative Christian (Patheos) :

Conservative Christian, Do You See The Person You Have Become? (Chris Kratzer) :

Articles of Interest - Jesus's Character
*Essentially, to get an idea of Jesus's character, virtually all of the Gospels could be used as a reference. However, here are a few select references.
Bible Gateway - Matthew 7 : 
Bible Gateway - A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight :
Bible Gateway - The Parable of the Good Samaritan :
Bible Gateway - Zacchaeus the Tax Collector :
Bible Gateway - Matthew 8:5-13 :
King James Bible Online - Mark 12:31 :
oremus Bible Browser - Luke 18:18–18:23 :

Bible (King James)/Matthew Chapter 7 -

John 4 -

Wikipedia - Golden Rule - Abrahaic Religions :

Wikipedia - Samaritan woman at the well :

Wkipedia - The Parable Of The Good Samaritan :

Wikipedia - Zachchaeus :

Articles of Interest - Manipulation Taken To A Whole New Level
Patheos - Unbelievable :
Patheos - Jim Bakker: If Donald Trump Doesn’t Win in 2020, Christians Will “Suddenly Die”
RWW - Jim Bakker: Christian Leaders and Politicians Will Be Murdered if Trump is not Re-Elected 
Articles of Interest - The Present Day Messiah

Patheos - What Would Jesus Do About Donald Trump? :
Articles of Interest - Trump's Christian Character (Or More Like Lack Thereof)
Patheos - The Cost of Trump to Evangelicals :
Patheos - The Truest Words Donald Trump Ever Spoke :
Patheos - Trump Is Jesus. Again. :
Patheos - ‘They love him like he is the second coming of God’ : 
Patheos - Trump’s Blasphemies :

The Atlantic - Why Some Christians ‘Love the Meanest Parts’ of Trump :
The Atlantic - Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters :
The Atlantic - "The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity" :

THEHILL - Blind evangelical support for Trump is theological malpractice :
Time : "Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Out of Fear, Not Faith" :
Snopes - Trump: Any Jew Voting Democratic Is Uninformed or Disloyal : 
BBC News - Jerry Falwell Jr: Liberty University confirms resignation amid sex scandal :
Politico - ‘Someone’s Gotta Tell the Freakin’ Truth’: Jerry Falwell’s Aides Break Their Silence :
Rolling Stone - Sin and Scandal at Liberty University :
BBC : George Floyd death: Trump's church visit shocks religious leaders :  
AP - Trump steadily fulfills goals on religious right wish list :
NY Magazine - Trump Says Jews Should Love Him Because He’s Almost Literally Jesus :

Articles of Interest - Conclusion
Snopes - Did Billy Graham Warn Against Mixing Religion and Politics? : 
NPR - Billy Graham Walked A Line, And Regretted Crossing Over It, When It Came To Politics : 


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