Facebook (Lack Of A Better Title)
I'm not the biggest fan of Facebook (to put it nicely). I do occionsl post here and there, and generally lighthearted ones at that too. However, FB is a toxic cesspool designed to appeal to addicts consumed by social media. FB is a drug essentially. At best, FB is the ultimate time-killer. It's the modern equivalent of Window's Solitaire. People usually go to FB to catch-up on the latest family gossip, vacation pictures, or see cat videos. It's not typical for one to go to FB thinking "Do you know what, I really want to be political indoctrinated or religious proselytize today!". While FB can be a great source of information, one who is dealing with deep issues in regard to their spirituality would generally pursue that journey in person. Given the time-killing and recreation nature of FB, when one says that they're going to FB to evangelize, it's a claim that to me sounds dubious at best. FB is not the place that one to pursue for a deep spiri...