
Showing posts from October, 2022

Greg Abbott, Gun Regulation, The NRA's Tomfoolery (Yet Again)

This isn't an issue that is easy to address, depending on how one feels about the topic. Several (including yours truly) believe that one can still uphold the Second Amendment while pursuing common-sense gun regulation. One can embrace such ideas without being labeled anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment, or anti-American by those who simply see things one-sided. However, the NRA taught a whole generation of Americans, especially Texans, that the Second Amendment is to be interpreted as owning anything to your heart's content without regulation. Those who see things black-and-white have been blinded by the NRA's empty rhetoric. The once proud and respected organization, tainted by the pursuit of power and money; only proclaims people's right to own firearms because of the financial incentive,  and not  because of genuine commitment to the Second Amendment. Their presence has made a farce of the Second Amendment, and the Constitution as a whole.  The NRA hadn't cared abou...

Overexposed Rock

     It was early 2000. It was a cold (by South Texas standards) day with high's in the high 40's. As a way to help pass the time, I was listening to the radio (set on the local rock station) in my bedroom when I heard Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down playing for the first time. I thought "This is a cool song". My enthusiasm continued when I heard that song repeated two hours later. After hearing the same song for the fourth time in a row, my opinion about Kryptonite started to change rapidly. "OK, this is a cool song, but don't you think you're playing it just a tad bit too much.....OK you're going to play it again aren't you."     By the end of the month, I hated Kryptonite, along with 3 Doors Down. I was overexposed to the song so much that my brain programmed itself to revolt whenever it started to play. I never wanted to hear Kryptonite again. The overexposure killed whatever potential enthusiasm that I had for 3 Doors Down as a group. Unfortu...

The Texas TV Debate (Give Me A Break!)

I just saw the debate a few nights ago between Greg Abbott and Beto. It was very interesting, and there is a lot to type. Regardless though, in this election, it's not about who you vote for, but who you're voting against. In a perfect election, one should be able to vote for any candidate because they like and support him or her, not because they dislike the other one. However, as noted in previous blogpost, this isn't a perfect world. The fact is that when you live in a two-party state, you're just given two options to choose. If you're like me, an Independent, then you don't have a choice. Republicans complain about the perceived censorship. Yet, Independents don't have a voice at all! As an Independent, you might as well be invisible! Thus, you just happen to vote for the candidate that you dislike the least. Greg Abbott has been a colossal trainwreck of a governor. We has failed this state multiple times; from Covid to the Freeze, Gun Violence, Women...

Lesson: Acts 17

In this article, we will look at Acts Chapter 17. In the previous chapter, Paul and Silas were joined by Timothy where they went through Macedonia, which is north of Greece. They went to Philippi where they baptized Lydia, and continued in their traveling ministry throughout Greece where they were arrested, beaten and thrown in jail. This is where an earthquake occurred and the jail doors were flung open. The jailer was about to kill himself in shame before discovering that none of the prisoners escaped. From there, Paul ministered to the jailer where he was saved. The jailer offered to have them depart, but Paul refused to leave secretly, wanting to have his case heard openly. Their departure to Thessalonica is now where we enter Chapter 17. Chapter 17 Paul and Silas went to Thessalonica in Greece where they went to the synagogue. It was tradition for them to do this. One has to remember that the original disciples, along with many of the original converts, were Jewish. Early Christia...