
Showing posts from July, 2021

Classic Systems Emulated: The Apple IIe

  The Apple II Redefines Micro-computing! The Apple IIe, an updated follow-up to the II+, was released on January 1983. The IIe became the most well-known and iconic computer in the II series. There was a flood of games, productivity programs, and educational titles that populated the platform. The "e" in the IIe stands for enhanced. The IIe was a updated version of the Apple II+ that had a reduced chip count to make the computer cheaper to manufacturer. One of the big features of the IIe was the incorporation of the 80-column text mode as standard. On the II+, 80-column text mode was an optional feature that was added via a peripheral card that plugged into one of the expansion slots. However, it was incorporated in the IIe itself without needed that extra adapter, thus freeing up an extra expansion slot in the process. The IIe supported more memory than the II+. On that system, memory tapped out at 64KB, even though more could be technically...

More Things I Need To Get Off My Chest (Part 2)

I Don't Have Time For Family Drama There's this saying that you shouldn't go to bed angry because when you wake up in the morning, you're going to be in a foul mood. Well, this morning, I'm still somewhat in that fuming state-of-mind. One would think that after the last article "Things I Need To Get Of My Chest", I would have felt better. However, that lingering feeling of bitterness and disappointment hovers over me. It's that feeling of disappointment where one who should just accept who you are instead holds your views against you.  Before anyone calls me a hypocrite, there's been many of times (the vast majority actually), where I never said a word during conversations as many said things that I disagreed with, but kept my silence out of a sign of respect. Also, visitation to my blog is completely optional . Their are no guilt trips here. When I share a link on my Facebook Timeline, it usually just shows the title anyway, so one can skip it ...

I Have A Few Things That I Need To Get Of My Chest

  This post has been a long time in the making. Updates on my blog have been far and few. I've taken a break from it because supporting this blog has been draining on me emotionally. What started as a recreational time killer to release steam has involved into a labor of love that has been exhausting to maintain at times. This has especially been true during the outbreak. The migration of the blog from Duda to Blogspot has also been very taxing as well (moving some 200 post isn't fun). Thus, after the migration, I haven't really been that keen on updating the blog. I've been busy with many real-life commitments that have also been all-consuming. To unwind, I’ve mostly been playing video games and working on my YouTube channel. The introvert part of me takes over on my off-time. However, don't get the impression that I've forgotten about this blog. Their is a lot of content that I want to post. However, given that my blog is on a new platform, an opportunity ha...