My (Amateurish And Armchair Developer) Opinion Of Java - Java Applications, along with IDE and UI Issues
It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to explain why Java failed in the desktop space. When Java started to gain traction in the late 90's, lower-end Pentium 1 PCs were still very common among the masses. These users typically had sub-100Mhz PC's. Has anyone ever tried to run a Java application on a sub-100MHz PC! One can immediately tell the difference between a Java applet and a natively compiled program. If it was a full-featured Java program, and not just a simple applet; then all bets were off. Corel Office For Java And WeirdX I've recently installed OS/2 Warp 4 onto 86Box. OS/2 Warp 4 included a version of Java at installation. One of the selling points of Java, especially on OS/2; was that Java could run hundreds, if not thousands, of programs on OS/2. Since OS/2 already had a small software library to begin with, (especially in comparison to the heavyweight that is Windows) this was seen as a massive plus. In order to promote its inclusion of Java, IBM promoted t...