My (Amateurish And Armchair Developer) Opinion Of Java
I will just come out and say it....... I don't like Java. I guess Visual BASIC ruined whatever chances of me accepting Java. The fact is that I never found Java appealing. After being exposed to Visual BASIC first, I never had much love for Java. At my high school (early 2000's), there was only one programming class, and they taught Java. However, I got the impression that the high school defaulted to the Java programming language because they didn't want to purchase licenses for Visual Studio (granted, there is a significant price overhead). This was also the same impression when we used Textpad for editing Java programs instead of Sun's NetBeans/Forte IDE. Schools have to cut costs somewhere. I admit that I'm a sucker for IDE's. It goes all the way back to fiddling with BASIC programs in QB. I'm not all opposed to text editors for writing code at all. Notepad++ kicks a$$ when it comes to editing C++ code. I've compiled 86Box before from source, and I...