
The Middle East In Regard To Sunday School Commentary

Yeah, I try to make the article title as mundane and dry as possible. Clickbait is for those with too much time on their hands! However, one little tidbit about me is that at my church, I teach Sunday School to the adults. While I generally enjoy the job and I throw myself wholeheartedly into the role, sometimes, annoyances so arise. With this blog, I feel I have a lot more space to be more candid about topics that I normally would shy away from during a Sunday School lesson.  I have an unwritten rule: I try hard to avoid the topic of social commentary during my lesson. Sometimes it can't be helped depending on whatever is taught, but by and large, I'm successful in this regard. The reason for this is that people oftentimes get blinded by their own opinion and there is the strong risk of someone passing off their take as quote "Biblical Teaching". However, one topic that always been grinding away at me is when the topics of the current events in the Middle East are br

Windows XP On Virtualizers, A Quick Summary

  Welcome To Windows XP. When I started the PC Chronological timeline project on YouTube, I wondered if I would have even made it this far. Alias, we made it, but man things are changing. When I started exploring the history of the evolution of the PC platform using emulation/virtualization, one could have gotten away with using either PCEM/86Box for the vast majority of the earlier PC configurations. Yet, as we enter the early 2000’s, it’s really not feasible to use PCEM/86Box, at least with later Windows anyway. I was a high school student in the early 2000’s. At that time, I was taking computer maintenance at the high school that I attended. Most of the computers ran Windows 98. These machines were your basic builds with the standard white tower case, an Intel Pentium II processor running at 266MHz with 64MB’s of RAM. Yet, when the school district got order to upgrade all the computers to WinXP, even when they didn’t meet the system requirements, then I became cursed when occasion

My Thoughts On : The 2024 Video Game Recession (Because the word "Crash" is clickbait)

  This is a topic that has dominated headlines a lot recently. As someone who plays a lot of video games a lot, it is a topic that I find of great interest, and a bit of concern. Well, concern for those who unfortunately lost their jobs. They were placed in a situation that they should have never been put in, and as a result, have become the latest causalities in this downturn in the market. All the major triple AAA studios have been laying off people. I have sympathies for those who have lost there jobs. Most of them only found out when the event occurred. The ones who have done all the work are getting the boot while those responsible for the bad decisions have been getting golden parachutes larger than what most will make in their entire lifetimes multiple times over, for bad decisions that resulted in the layoffs of those who poured their heart and soul into the company. Jim Ryan, the now ex-CEO of Sony, posing with the London development team a couple of days before it was annou

My (Amateurish And Armchair Developer) Opinion Of Java - Java Applications, along with IDE and UI Issues

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to explain why Java failed in the desktop space. When Java started to gain traction in the late 90's, lower-end Pentium 1 PCs were still very common among the masses. These users typically had sub-100Mhz PC's. Has anyone ever tried to run a Java application on a sub-100MHz PC! One can immediately tell the difference between a Java applet and a natively compiled program. If it was a full-featured Java program, and not just a simple applet; then all bets were off. Corel Office For Java And WeirdX I've recently installed OS/2 Warp 4 onto 86Box. OS/2 Warp 4 included a version of Java at installation. One of the selling points of Java, especially on OS/2; was that Java could run hundreds, if not thousands, of programs on OS/2. Since OS/2 already had a small software library to begin with, (especially in comparison to the heavyweight that is Windows) this was seen as a massive plus. In order to promote its inclusion of Java, IBM promoted t

My (Amateurish And Armchair Developer) Opinion Of Java

I will just come out and say it....... I don't like Java. I guess Visual BASIC ruined whatever chances of me accepting Java. The fact is that I never found Java appealing. After being exposed to Visual BASIC first, I never had much love for Java. At my high school (early 2000's), there was only one programming class, and they taught Java. However, I got the impression that the high school defaulted to the Java programming language because they didn't want to purchase licenses for Visual Studio (granted, there is a significant price overhead). This was also the same impression when we used Textpad for editing Java programs instead of Sun's NetBeans/Forte IDE. Schools have to cut costs somewhere. I admit that I'm a sucker for IDE's. It goes all the way back to fiddling with BASIC programs in QB. I'm not all opposed to text editors for writing code at all. Notepad++ kicks a$$ when it comes to editing C++ code. I've compiled 86Box before from source, and I&#

Thoughts On Alex Jones (2023)

As with the last article where I covered Joe Rogan and conspiracy theories in general, the fact is that we're still living in a world shaped by Alex Jones and his absurd rhetoric. His claims are still reguretated on both talk radio and social media. Thus, when it comes to my general disdain of conspiracy theories, I can't help but talk about Alex Jones. For those who don't know, Alex Jones had a radio talk show since the late 90's. Everyday on his show, he would make 2-3 dire predictions a day. They would range from how Mexicans were going to cross the border to exterminate the white race, or how the FDA was funding research that would create a virus that would kill the white race, or how those I Washington were planning a false flag attack so that they could send the white race to concentration camps (and starts to see a common white race theme with Alex Jones). Anywho, when one makes 2-3 dire predictions a day, that equates to about anywhere between 300-500 "pred

My Strong Disdain For Conspiracy Theories 2023

I'm not a fan of Joe Rogan. His show is a melting pot of crackpots and conspiracy theorist. He had literal Nazi's on his show as legitimate guest. There is no credibility. It's the perfect definition of trash radio. It's a platform for lies, conspiracy theories, and pseudo-science. During the COVID outbreak, his show became a platform for false information in regard to the COVID vaccine that was embraced by many of his listeners.  Thus, his platform became a hotbed of false information has led to the deaths of many people who refused to get vaccinated based on the lies that he perpetrated. While Dr. Fauci was busy saving lives, Rogan's show was busy destroying them. However, he wasn't the only one. Regardless of platform, anyone who shared false and misleading information is responsible for what happens afterwards, regardless of whether it's shared in. What's even more disgraceful is the fact that based on his actions, he doesn't display accountabil

OS/2 Warp 4

(Any blogpost where I don't have to cover politics is a win in my books!) OS/2 Warp 4 was a very noble endeavor. It was IBM's statement to the world to demonstrate there commitment to the OS/2 operating system. However, when it arrived in 1996, OS/2 Warp 4 was dead on arrival. A lot had happened between the launch of Warp 3 and Warp 4, with the biggest of them being the arrival of Windows 95. Microsoft, making the most of their OEM connections, started to lock OS/2 out of the OEM markets prior to the launch of Windows 95. With threats of either not receiving the latest Windows or paying much higher license fees, many OEM's relented to Microsoft's pressure. Warp 3 struggled against Windows 3.1 along with the soon-to-be-tidal wave that would be Windows 95. Not only that, Microsoft had a vendetta against Big Blue for previous acts.  Lotus 123 For OS/2 Warp 4 Faced with accusations that Microsoft incorporated OS/2 source code into Windows 3.x which would have violated the j

The Toxic Hellscape That Is Social Media (2023)

  Media Conspiracy At The Hands Of Justified Anger People's anger at traditional media is justified. The media outlets in this country have spent decades selling filtered, watered-down news to be consumed as if it was just another piece of candy or beef jerky. The idea of news as a public service has long been abandoned to the idea of it as a "product" that is "sold" rather than reported. However, when the masses started to abandon traditional media, they went to a source that was far more destructive than anything that they would have ever received from TV. There is no validity of information on social media. The sources on social media are far more biased than anything that was ever on cable TV in the first place. Instead of finding objective sources, the masses within the realm of social media just went to mouthpieces that echoed their preconceived biases. The fact is that objective sources of information exist. It's called NPR, AP, PolitiFact and Snopes.